About Me

About Chawadee NualkhairThis blog is for anyone who has ever wanted to eat, or learn more about eating, at any of the food stalls lining the streets in Thailand.

Long-time readers know that I really hate writing real, concrete facts about myself, because this opens me up to genuine ridicule. But here goes: I am a Thai-American from Pittsburgh (Steeler Nation) who is now married with two kids in Bangkok. I am a freelance journalist, mostly writing about food.

Likes: sincerity in everything, including cooking. Also, vegetable plates and offal meats (not together). And egg noodles with boiled eggs. Actually, anything with eggs.

Dislikes: crowded, high-design restaurants; fusion that is forced; menus passing themselves off as “authentic” when they are not; fried soft-shell crabs.

Email me at BangkokGlutton@gmail.com

Best Thing I Ever Ate – Thailand – Chawadee Nualkhair from BDA Singapore.

118 responses to “About Me

  1. Royceton De Silva

    I just watched your Streetfood Asia on Netflix and loved it. I am from Sri Lanka πŸ‡±πŸ‡° but I love Thai food. I was also a F & B manager with Carnival. Cruise lines and met a lot of Thai and the food. Keep going

  2. Jonas

    I would like to recieve your newsletter.

  3. Moreno Carusi


  4. Patrick

    I just realized you’ve been at this blog for 10 years now, or thereabout. Congratulations and always a terrific read.

  5. Chris du Sud

    I must admit, Thailand has never been a dream destination to me.
    French (with Japanese, Pacific Islander and European ancestries), I grew up on the shores of the Coral Sea in New Caledonia and now I work and live in Paris.
    Due to (colonial) history, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos are part of the french imaginary.
    Due to (colonial) history, Japanese, Vietnamese and Indonesian people (among others) settled in New Caledonia, french oversea territory.
    Vietnamese, Japanese, Indonesian, French and Pacific Island cuisines are parts of my home cooking as well as my imagination.
    I like eating. I like cooking. I like sharing. I like spending hours at the table at lunch.
    A few months ago, while watching a thai movie with a friend of mine, Kanom pra pai and Leum kluen came to me. It reminded me Kueh Lapis and Banh da lon… steamed desserts.
    My interest for thai desserts grew bigger.
    So did my interest for Thailand.
    Here are the links between my story, my love for food, my growing interest for Thailand and my visit to your blog.
    Thank you for sharing and for your sincerity.

    • Thanks for your sharing and sincerity Chris!

    • Peter Point

      Thank you for sharing your passion for cuisine and for your understanding that cuisines come and go as a consequence of colonialism, the European Age of Discovery (15th -17th century) a prime example of cuisines on the march. Chillies (from the Americas) were introduced to South East Asia by the Portuguese adventures who sailed half-way around the world to Siam in the late 15th century. The mini egg custard tarts and sweetened yellow egg yolk desserts we devour with alacrity here In Thailand are still to be found and enjoyed in Portugal, Hong Kong and Macau to this day.

  6. Tessa

    Hello! I am traveling with my husband for our honey moon and looking for the best spots to eat in Bangkok. Thank you!!

  7. Pax Bobrow

    Why are you not listed on IMDB for your narration and analysis in the first episode of the tv show, Street Food? I see only two men listed as cast members.

  8. Don Jariyasunant

    Hi Chow. I’ve followed some of your work, including this blog for a little bit now. But, I happened to catch you on the new Netflix documentary Street Food. I loved hearing your takes on Thai food and it’s impact on Thai culture. That 1st episode with your takes about Jay Fai restaurant was pretty good. I’m also Thai-American. Born there, but grew up here in the States. I’d like to visit Jay Fai’s place when I visit BKK in a few weeks, but it’s a little out of my budget. But, I understand why she needs to charge what she does. I grew to develop a great appreciation for authentic Thai food through my Mom’s cooking. We simply don’t get authentic Thai food in most restaurants here in the States. I know you’re more of a writer than on camera person, but I always enjoy seeing your pop up every now and then on a Thai themed travel/food program.

  9. maslnt

    Hi. Came here from Netflix. I have had a very personal relationship with food and am going through a process of therapy in order to find myself. Seeing you talk about food and what it means to a culture, a city and its people made me break down and cry because I felt so inspired to write about my own culture and its food. I know this sounds like a hyperbole but it is not. You probably will never see me but I am another stranger in the world suffering the usual pangs and pains of having overbearing parents who lived their lives through me. I did not have dreams growing up. I never demanded much and went where the wind took me. Food has always been the only space where I never lived in proxy of my parents. It is hard to. This might be confusing and I genuinely don’t know how to explain it well. But food… flavours are so intrinsic to our true selves and so deeply connected with us. I can never eat the things I don’t like and I cry when I eat the things I do. Nothing cures a day’s exhaustion like food. I am meditating on this thought here I suppose… but seeing you talk about food and how it is such an important part of our social fabric revealed so much of my self to me. Jay Fai’s story is not just one of resilience, perseverance and hard work but also of love, community and people. Thank you for bringing this to us and for talking about it.

    • Thank you for writing ❀️❀️❀️. Sending πŸ’• your way

    • Thank you for articulating that. Came to the blog also from Netflix and full of happy tears.

    • Peter Point

      You have a profound understanding of the philosophy, psychology and gastronomy of food. One should never underestimate the impact parents have in our formative years as children growing up.

      • Peter Point

        Mea culpa! I somehow missed the point I intended to make which is this: “One should never underestimate the impact parents have in our formative years as children growing up”, to which I meant to add…” an impact that punctuates just about everything that is good, bad and middling with ‘food’ as sustenance-dependent humans.” I had in mind comments posted by ‘maslnt’ in my added 10 cents worth.

  10. Daniel Van loggerenberg

    Hi there I’m a Malaysian adopted man grow up in Malaysia and Australia I’m a chef who has work all over the world love THAI food! One of my best mates is THAI. just saw u in pho’s kitchen? Wondering if u still live in Bangkok? And who u would advise for a tour around Bangkok for me my wife who is from Taiwan n our son to see the best and greatest food around Bangkok? Fees and charges as well

  11. Daren

    Are you still active? I came across your YouTube channel and noted the most recent posts are from years ago.
    It’s an interesting topic and an interesting city, so I was hoping for more.

  12. Mack Sperling


    It’s been a couple of years since my last trip to Bangkok. I started reading your blog then, and still tune in when I get an email of an update.

    You are a fantastic and hilarious writer. I love it. Keep eating and writing.


  13. Great Blog , I`ll check out a couple of recommendations when I`m back in Bkk at Xmas. Cheers.

  14. Hi Chawadee,

    I really like your blog and your great photos. Keep up the great work ^^
    We just opened Come & Eat a small Thai / western fusion restaurant and we would love to invite you to come and taste one of the best original Pad Thai.
    I hope to welcome you soon and keep on blogging πŸ™‚


  15. Joe

    Hi Chawadee. I hope you expose the fact that thai politicians, bankers/businessmen main motivation to kill off street vendors is purely for their own profit. Its so sad bc i love bangkok…streetfoods are a big part of the great cha4m of bkk. Instead they want to pave ove bkk with malls and force ppl to buy in them. Tc..

  16. mercedes

    Hello! We are looking for local expertrs in Bangkok! I am writing fom http:/tripuniq.com because we are looking for passionate travel experts in Bangkok who are interested in earning a little extra cash by helping travelers.
    Please watch this 1 min video https:/vimeo.com/142888619 and register through our website!

  17. Julia Wong

    Hi Chawadee,

    Great blog! I enjoy reading it. And thank you for your tips on finding great street food.
    I just watched you & Luke Nguyen on his eponymous Steet Food Asia series. You guys were eating a vermicelli dish with dried processed cuttlefish & morning glory vegetable and you said it probably had SE Asian origins and you’d looked for it in Singapore but couldn’t find it. Well, I’m Singaporean and we do have this dish. It’s called (in the Hokkien vernacular) Ju He Eng Chye (ju he= cuttlefish, eng chye=water convolvulus or kangkong in Malay). Unfortunately it’s getting harder to find places that sell this. There is one famous old hawker stalk in Bedok Corner Food Centre that still does. Check it out next time you’re in town!

  18. Here is a free Long Range Weather Forecast for visitors trying to pick the best days to visit Bangkok.


    Any other Thailand location can be entered onto the homepage. http://www.weathertab.com/en/

    Happy Travels!

  19. Robert

    Hi Chawadee I’m a New Yorker but my heart is in Thailand from my very first visit. Just saw an episode of girl eats world and can’t wait for my next visit,going out to find your books . Thanks

  20. Khun Chawadee:
    Enjoy your blog and your writing. I am a professor of neuroscience and regularly teach at Mahidol University. Next year I will be in Bangkok from middle of May 2017 until mid July. I love the people; the country; and the food and your blog is so helpful and mouthwatering. The only thing about your blog that I take issue with is your rant about Woody Allen. Midnight in Paris is one of my favorite movies and just visited several of the places in the movie while lecturing and tasting in Paris. Perhaps your dislike of Woody (a cinematic genius in the eyes of many in the industry) is the result of the thinly-veiled events in your personal life; but that is certainly understandable and on reflection should be viewed empathically. Best of luck with your travels, book tours, and your blog. It is helpful to all who would travel to the Land of Smiles.

  21. I am a big fan of Thailand. next August we are organised a trip to bangkok.
    I am go through your blog and its very nice…I think i want to know more about travel place, food and others..thank you very much.
    website: http://www.knbwealth.com

  22. SilvyHoremans

    Hi Naning πŸ™‚ I’m a Belgian food blogger travelling to Thailand at the end of June. I’m looking for Thai bloggers to meet up with πŸ™‚ I want to write a couple of articles about the Thai cuisine and about food bloggers in Thailand. Also I would love to share some typical Belgian food recipes πŸ™‚ Let me know if you are interested in this concept.
    Regards from Belgium
    x Silvy

  23. Hi! My fiancΓ© and I are going to Bangkok and Koh Tao for our honeymoon in September. I love your blog and can’t wait to eat lots of food in Bangkok! Do you have any recommendations on where to stay in Bangkok if the main thing we are interested in is food? Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!

  24. Currently watching the show Girl Eats World. I am also Thai, currently living in Pittsburgh, and have a food blog!

  25. Naning

    Hi Chawadee, saw you with Dwight in some of his videos …..just curious, do you also have a youtube channel

  26. Wendy

    Hello Chawadee, my siblings and I are going to Bangkok for Christmas Family Reunion. We love to eat. Can you please recommend good places to eat/restaurants and shopping?
    Thank you

  27. John obrien

    And what is your full name? I can’t seem to find it .

  28. john obrien

    hello, i’m enjoying your writing.how can i find you on facebook please?

  29. Just wanted to thank you for your work hereβ€”I’m taking my first trip to Thailand in February, and your blog has been invaluably helpful in helping me understand what I’ll be lucky enough to soon sample. On top of the instructiveness, your writing is absorbingβ€”I really appreciate the touch you bring to food writing, a genre so easily overtaken by “meh” prose. So thank you for that!

  30. Dan

    Hi Chawadee!

    Ever since I saw you on The Getaway (with Chrissy Tiegen), I’ve been reading your blog in preparation for my first trip to Bangkok next February. I really enjoy reading it. I went to check when your new book will be published and it comes out the week after I get home from my trip! Bad timing on my part. I’ll have to check it out when I get back. Thanks for all the helpful information. I’m very excited to explore street food in Bangkok.

    -Dan (Boston, MA, USA)

  31. Love, love, LOVE the video!!! You’re so really sweet and cool in it! More please!!!
    Also, I need to come up with a pitch to film something for my show in Thailand – I’d love the two of us to do something together πŸ™‚ Hope all is well! xx

    • Thank you, Anne! I would LOVE to do something together. Actually, I think we should do something on Isan: very few travelers go there, yet it is the most popular cuisine in Thailand! Also, it can be found everywhere in Bangkok (som tum and grilled chicken vendors everywhere) and we get to try dancing shrimp!

      • Yes! I love Isan food – I went to Chiang Mai 3 years ago and loved the food up there! Chiang Mai sausage is amongst my favourites (of course alongside som tum and the amazing grilled chicken and sticky rice). Ok I will have a proper think about this – let’s at least plan an online video together for both our blogs!

      • That would be brilliant! What’s the weather like at the beginning of October? I have an extended 2 week window for travelling then… I know it’s rainy season, but if you think that’s not too much of a problem, I’d have a look at travel plans…

        • I think October should be good! It shouldn’t be raining too much, and fingers crossed it won’t flood this year. It didn’t last year! Maybe our luck will hold :-).

  32. Poch

    Dear Khun Chawadee,
    I really enjoy reading your fantastic blog as well as your articles on Coconuts Bangkok. I am a Chicago transplant living in Bangkok and your writing has really helped me uncover some excellent hidden gems nestled throughout this kingdom. I recently read your article on the Coconuts BKK website regarding the comparison between Thai vs. American sriracha sauces. Although I’m accustomed to the Thai version since that was what I grew up on, the U.S. version does have it’s merits especially with non-Thai foods like Pho or chicken wings where the sweetness of the Thai version might distort the taste. May I seek your advice about where to find a bottle of Huy Fong Sriracha here in Bangkok? I didn’t bring any here when I moved and would love to add it to my condiment stockpile. Thank you very much in advance and keep up the great writing.

    • Hi, I think you might be able to find a bottle at Villa — the one at the corner of Sukhumvit 33 is the biggest one and it’s the one I go to. Good luck!

      • BKKExpatMama

        Poch might be confused if she just goes to the corner of Soi 33 — she’s got to go to Soi 33/1 (tell the taxi driver “Bpai Sukhumvit Soi Sahm-Sip-Tap-Neung-Noy-Kha”) to find Villa for sure! Just sayin’…

      • BKKExpatMama

        Blurgh. My Thai has become rusty since moving home last year. She should say “Bpai Sukhumvit Soi Sahm-Sip-Sahm-Tap-Neung”…I left off the second “Sahm” that makes it “33” in my pedantic previous comment. Please forgive me! Love your blog, by the way.

  33. I and my friend would like to join your group street food tour, how can I contact u and order this?

  34. bukugoogle

    Chow, your writing about food is probably the most enjoyable of any journalist or blogger I’ve read. I love your solid research and expertise, your insights, wit and writing style. I would write more compliments, but your articles made me so hungry I’m about to chew my own foot off. Before my next trip back to BKK from SIN, your blogs are sure to be one of the elements determining where I start and finish the each day of the trip.

  35. Thanks for the reply! I have read about Bangkok Food Tours and while they have great reviews, several of them mention that while the tour guides are friendly, they aren’t really that knowledgeable about food, ingredients, or techniques. We were hoping for someone who could speak knowledgeably about the cuisine and culture. Also, it appears their tours go to restaurants rather than food stalls, so we were really hoping to find a street food guide. If you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them — if not, thanks for all the great info you’ve already posted!!

  36. Stumbled upon your blog today while researching for my upcoming trip to Bangkok this November and I am SO excited to browse the archives in the next few months. I’m definitely going to get the book, but was wondering if you might know of anyone who would be a good β€œfood guide” β€” hubby is a chef and would really like to go exploring with a local who loves food (especially street food).

    • Hi Maggie,
      Thanks for reading! I think the food guides used by everyone who comes here are called bangkokfoodtours.com. Check out their website and see if that’s what you have in mind.

  37. We stumbled on your blog whilst searching for recommendations for the best Xiu Long Pao in Bangkok – but were rapidly drawn to your reviews of Som Tam and Kai Kata in Udon Thani.
    We farm rice in the province and also welcome guests to our rural Thai pool villa, where we have a particular interest in good Thai and Isan food. As Udon Thani Gluttons, we often bemoan the lack of good food stalls and restaurants in Udon Thani when compared with Bangkok, so your blog posts were an excellent find for us!

    It would be really useful if you could add a specific address for each place mentioned: yes, we will sniff out places from names etc, but it’s cruel to tantalize us with your descriptions without telling us exactly where to find the places you write about!

    If you are back in Udon Thani, you might like to try Khao Soi Tai (excellent beef or chicken noodles, northern sausages and gaeng hang lay), the only northern restaurant in Udon (khaosoitai.com – with whom we have no other affiliation than tingling taste buds!) And as you like offal, you must try “Om Nuea”, a soup made from (wait for it) fresh amniotic sack. We have a few cattle and when they give birth it may be a moment of joy for the mother, but for us our focus is on getting our hands on the amniotic sack before the mother does…the simmering it with herbs and spices. Let us know if you are back in the area and we’ll see what we can arrange!

    Finally, congratulations on an excellent blog – long may you keep your readers drooling and slobbering!

  38. Kate

    Here is “Thai Fish Sauce Taste Test” from Shesimmers.com:

    I spent months preparing to research every brand of fish sauce, but then I found this article!
    Maybe the bottom line is that good Thai food will taste delicious no matter what brand you use!
    If you are a fish sauce connoisseur, though, for curiosity, I have to recommend checking out Red Boat Fish Sauce, at redboatfishsauce.com . Made the old, tried and true, traditional way, it is what you might want to use if you are making your own kimchee, or if you just want to leave a slim and elegant bottle on your dining table all the time! At $9 a bottle no restaurant would ever bother to carry it, though. It is not available in New York’s Chinatown either, maybe because of the price.

  39. Dear Khun Chawadee,
    First of all, I would like to pay respect for the great work you achieve finding and commenting the top street foods restaurant of Bangkok.
    I will definitely try some very soon!
    We have launched Breizh Crepes which is an Authentic French Crepes open space restaurant concept.
    It would be my great pleasure to invite you to taste our crepes.
    Please hit me back anytime.

  40. Hello, I was very excited to check out your blog. I’ve been on it for 10 minutes now and haven’t found any write-ups on street stands in Bangkok yet. Many blog formats have groupings by topics. I love your idea and your write-ups just recommending to make navigation easier.

  41. Anusorn buranakanonda

    Excellent blog and content. Me and my family are your local followers. Where can we buy your book locally, as we do not want to wait for shipment from the mail order. Thank you.

  42. Hello!

    I’ve loved reading your posts – my wife and I are coming to Thailand for three weeks at Christmas time – and we can’t wait!

    I’ve got a taste for really hot food – Habanero chillies being my favourite for heat and flavour – and I’m a bit worried that when we eat in Bangkok that our food will be “dulled down” because we’re “farangs”!

    What’s the best way of ensuring that we get the true taste of Thai food when we order from street food vendors?

    Many thanks;


    • That’s a good question. Most, if not all, Thais seem to change the flavors of their food a little bit, which explains the “parallel menus” at some Thai restaurants abroad (1 menu for farang, another for Thais). Restaurants in Bangkok aimed at tourists do the same thing, in a setting that Thais think westerners will like (it’s not street food). It’s like they lack confidence in the universal appeal of their own food. In a way, it’s funny: westerners are trying like crazy to replicate the real thing, but Thais are changing it.
      Just say “taan ped dai” (I can eat spicy) or “chob taan ped ped” (I like really spicy”. Some foods, though, aren’t meant to be spicy (northern Thai that is not Isaan-influenced, or “royal Thai”.)

  43. Nick

    Hello there!!!!
    I saw your article on places to eat in Bangkok 101, and was intrigued by your mention of the Noodle place on Ekamai 19.
    As my time is so limited, is there any way you could help describe either it’s name or how better to find it…
    A reply is most appreciated

    Thank you, nick

  44. Jocelyn

    Love your blog, I just found out about it whiel looking for some info on Thai street food. I’ll be in Bangkok in January with a friend and can’t wait to try some of your suggestions!

  45. Kate

    What brand of fish sauce do you prefer? Do you think fish sauce should list sugar as an ingredient? And do you know if the salt used to make fish sauce is natural sea salt, or is it just plain, and unnatural, grocery store iodized salt? (If you are going to ferment vegetables, and make sauerkraut or kimchee, I have been taught that you have to use sea salt, because grocery store salt contains added chemicals and will interfere with the fermentation.)
    I always look for Tiparos, Ta Trang ( I don’t know if that is the name, but it has a picture of a scales on the label), or Golden Boy, but I will sometimes buy anything and try anything!

    • I’ve been told to use fish sauce made from shellfish (razor clams, etc) because those are considered “less fishy”, but to tell you the truth, there doesn’t seem much of a point for me to look for “unfishy” fish sauce. I, too, like Tiparos, although Ta Trang is also good. I’ve never tried Golden Boy.
      I believe sea salt is used to make fish sauce, because here it is cheaper than the “fancy” iodized salt. I haven’t checked though. A good idea for a post!

      • Kate

        Thank you for your amazing blog, and for your comments on fish sauce! Reading all your blogs and looking at the great pictures makes me miss Bangkok, Thailand, and Thai food so much!
        Here in nyc, most Thai restaurants cook food for farang, so a real connoisseur of Thai food will soon discover that the best restaurant is your own kitchen!
        Geng No Mai, or Bamboo shoot soup, is one of my favorites, but I can’t make it at home. And of course I doubt any restaurant would serve it here. Occasionally it is available at a small shop in Queens called Nam Tan, or Sugar Pop.

        I just learned about Red Boat Fish Sauce, and found some in nyc. The owner of the company, a Vietnamese expat in California, has it made in Vietnam using the old method, just sea salt and anchovies. It is awesome!
        So I have three bottles of fish sauce in my kitchen now, Red Boat, Tiparos, and Golden Boy. I’ll test and compare them over the next few weeks!

  46. Dear Khun Chawadee, found your blog through Twitter and I am amazed of the information given to all your readers! Fantastic job and congratulation!

  47. Bert

    I live in Soi Lamphu, (Samsen Soi 1) just one block from Somsong Pochana on page 68 of your book. I ordered kanom jeen saonam and cha manao, and the girl looked so surprised she asked me if I had seen the place in a book. I pulled out my copy, and she excitedly ran inside with it showing the pictures to everybody working there and laughing and looking through it. I think it made there day, and this place will be on my regular food route. 2nd meal, and the food is just a great as you say!

  48. BG!! Great blog! We love, make that prefer to eat at the stalls and carts in Thailand. The fragrances and flavors are soooo yummy. Were heading back to Thailand for the long term next year (and will be video blogging while there) – when we get there were going to need to hook up and get a signed copy of your book. Dave & Carol (aka: Jai Yen – http://jai-yen.tv)

  49. Marc

    Sawatdee krap Khun Chawadee.

    My friend Chris (http://christao408.xanga.com/), whom you recently met, introduced me to your wonderful blog and book. My partner is from Bangkok, but is currently studying here in Penn State University. I am originally from Indiana, Pennsylvania so perhaps we might meet in the future. In the meantime, I am looking forward to visiting some of your suggestions the next time I am in Bangkok. πŸ™‚


  50. Hello! Great idea for a book ^_^ I lived in Thailand for a year and I just love it and even though I speak a bit of Thai, couldn’t always work out what each place sold – I’ll definitely have to get myself a copy for future travels. Best of luck with the upcoming versions!

  51. Nice to discover your delicious blog…what’s funny is I also follow mysousvidelife…love to eat my way through the world’s cities – especially Bangkok!

    The world according to Ms Q – my take on what’s interesting, stylish and cool: restaurants, food, wine, music, cocktails.

    Asia-based, internationally-focused, American-flavored

  52. Hi there!
    It’s nida ka (Uncle Noi and auntie Pui’s daughter.) I came across your blog through BK Magazine’s website. And I spent yesterday reading through ALL your posts. Everything on this blog looks so delicious ka. Thank you for sharing na ka =)

  53. Gayle

    Hi I really like yr photos. Makes me want to pick up photography again. I have not been taking pictures for a long time as I have had 3 kids over the past 6 years! No time to meddle with a camera. Can I just ask what camera do you use? The only camera I use on a regular basis right now is my Sony Ericsson hp camera. I have been toying with the idea of getting a bridge camera (Micro four thirds) but have not gotten down to actually buying one. Hope to hear from you!

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